Feedback Private-Public Partnership Daniel Sotelsek

Feedback Private-Public Partnership Daniel Sotelsek

Hi Gaians!

It is time to provide you with feedback after having a look at some of your contributions!

First of all, it is important to congratulate those students who have been involved in this workout and did a hard work during these two weeks!

Let’s start to analyse some important things we have found in your workouts. The majority of the students have understood the main concepts about the contents of Faber and Origin or Habilis and the most of the workouts have followed the structure given. Now, let’s focus our attention to the contents of your workouts.

First of all, most of the students have been able to do a correct analysis of the chosen line in the Part 1 of the workout and they have been able to identify the main characteristics. In addition, there have been some students that have not been able to calculate the percentage that has been required in the activity. Maybe they didn’t pay attention to the table provided in the website with the different EU budgets for each line and the total.

To continue, almost all the students have identified the relevant benefits of their line but only some of them have been able to elaborate an answer as a result of their own reflections and opt to copy and paste the information from the line documents.

Moreover there have been just few students that have been able to support their answers on the chapter of the iBook, which makes reference to this topic. It would have been interesting that you focused on aspects directly linked to the improvement of efficiency and employment, as we have been discussing on the Academic Debate Forum of Faber unit.

Regarding the question about Origin, only some students have been able to answer both parts of this question by providing the information that was required about the level of employment in the R&D sector of Europe and how many jobs your line would create, taking into account the impact of the chosen line. The estimation has been needed in both cases. Some of you have given out-dated data and have not done the expected prediction with the horizon of 2020.

Moreover, regarding the question about Habilis, some students have been able to identify the costs that should change, in order to improve the ECONOMIC profitability. It is true that most of the students have shown the ability to reflect about the difference between financial, economic and social profitability but, once this reflection have been made, you didn’t focus your attention on the economic profitability, as it has been required in the activity.

In addition, not all the students have been able to identify and explain the roles of the different partners of their PPP project. Some of you have identified the partners and some of the roles but you have been able to give more details about them. Don’t forget that, as you could learn through the iBook, risks are an essential part in these roles!

Finally, it is great to see that the majority of the students have been able to develop this activity showing all the new knowledge acquired during these two units! That’s all!

Kind regards.

Daniel Sotelsek